Contacts. IFAGG members

Country Code Full name Short name
   Andorra AND Andorran Gymnastics Federation FAG
   Armenia ARM Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics of the Republic of Armenia AFAGG
   Australia AUS Australian Aesthetic Group Gymnastics Federation AAGGF
   Belarus BLR Belarusian Association of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics BAAGG
   Bulgaria BGR Bulgarian Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics BFAGG
   Canada CAN Canadian Aesthetic Group Gymnastics Inc. CAGG
   Cyprus CYP Cyprus Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics CFAGG
   Czech Republic CZE Czech Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics CFAGG
   Denmark DNK Danish Gymnastics Federation GymDanmark
   Estonia EST Estonian Gymnastics Federation Estonian Gymnastics
   Faroe Islands FRO Faroe Islands Gymnastics Federation FFS
   Finland FIN Finnish Gymnastics Federation  
   France FRA French Aesthetic Group Gymnastic association AFCGE
   Germany DEU Germany Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics DVAGG
   Greece GRC Hellenic Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastic  
   Hong Kong HKG Hong Kong, China Federation Of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics HKAGG
   Hungary HUN Pannon Aesthetic Group Gymnastic Association Pannon AGG
   Israel ISR Aesthetic Group Gymnastics (R.A.)  
   Italy ITA Italian Federation of Acrobatic and Choreographic Sports FISAC
   Japan JPN Japanese Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics JFAGG JFAGG
   Kazakhstan KAZ Kazakhstan federation of aesthetic group gymnastics KFAGG
   Korea (Republic of Korea) KOR Korea Aesthetic Group Gymnastics Federation  
   Kyrgyzstan KGZ Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics of Kyrgyz Republic FAGG KR
   Luxembourg LUX Luxembourg Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics LFAGG
   Malaysia MAS Malaysian Aesthetic Group Gymnastics Association MAGGA
   Mexico MEX Mexican National Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics AGG MEXICO
   Moldova MDA Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics in the Republic of Moldova FAGGMD
   New Zealand NZL New Zealand Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics AGG NZ
   Russian Federation RUS Russian Federation of Aesthetic Gymnastics RFAG
   Serbia SRB Serbian Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics SFAGG
   Singapore SGP AGG Association (Singapore) AGGAS
   Spain ESP Spanish The Royal Gymnastics Federation  
   Ukraine UKR Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics of Ukraine FAGGU
   United Kingdom GBR GB Aesthetic Group Gymnastics Federation GBAGGF
   United States USA USA Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics AGGUSA
   Venezuela VEN Venezuelan Federation of Group Aesthetic Gymnastics  
   Austria AUT Allgemeiner Turnverein Graz ATG TANZFABRIK
   Austria AUT Gymnastik Club Prestige Prestige
   Belgium BEL Happy Gym  
   China CHN Guizhou Yuyunhe Education Information Consulting Co.,Ltd Yuyunhe
   China CHN Chengdu Sport University CDSU
   Egypt EGY Atletica  
   India IND The Phoenix Gymnastics Academy  
   Latvia LVA Sport Club Crystal  
   North Macedonia MKD Association sports society for Gymnastics AVANTGARD SDKG AVANTGARDE PRILEP
   Romania ROU Asociatia Club Sportiv Ritmica CS Ritmica
   Türkiye TUR Gymnastic Sports Club "Savkar"  
   United Arab Emirates UAE DuGym  
Andorra (AND)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Denmark (DNK)
Estonia (EST)
Estonian Gymnastics Federation (Estonian Gymnastics)
Faroe Islands (FRO)
Korea (Republic of Korea) (KOR)
Russian Federation (RUS)
Singapore (SGP)
United Kingdom (GBR)
United States (USA)
Austria (AUT)
Austria (AUT)
Belgium (BEL)
China (CHN)
Egypt (EGY)
Latvia (LVA)
North Macedonia (MKD)
Romania (ROU)
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
IFAGG has decided to extend the number of finalist teams in World Cup and Challenge Cup competitions. Based on ranking after preliminaries, 12 best teams will qualify for finals, but maximum two (2) teams from the same country.
The first World Championships in Aesthetic Group Gymnastics were held in 2000 in Helsinki (Finland).
Team "Madonna" (Russia) - The World Champion in AGG in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019.


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